To post, visit our Lost & Found Blog.


Register for an account and login to post. The email account you use to register may by used by visitors who want to contact you about the animal you’ve posted.  Your email address is NOT displayed publicly.

Be sure to include a thorough description, photo(s), the location (or last known location) where the animal was lost or found, and the date the pet was lost or found.

What to Do When You’ve Found a Lost Pet

Swift action and networking are key to getting a pet home. Get the information out to as many people and places as you can as quickly as you can. 

WALK or DRIVE slowly around the neighborhood; talk to everyone you meet; carry a photo.

CALL all the animal control agencies, shelters and rescue groups. You can find a list on Petfinder.  Ask their policy on found animals. Visit them in person if possible. Check daily.

SOCIAL MEDIA is an excellent tool: post the information on your Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, NextDoor, PawBoost, Petfinder, animal forums, message boards, and email friends and neighbors.

FLYERS: Create a “lost / found pet” flyer that includes a large headline “LOST / FOUND DOG” or “MISSING / FOUND CAT.” Include a current photo, area where the animal was lost or found, date the animal was lost or found, good physical and personality description, and all possible contact information.

Good places to post your flyers may include:

  • Dog runs and parks
  • Pet supply stores and pet grooming shops
  • Veterinary offices, animal shelters
  • Various commercial establishments, such as grocery and convenience stores, gas stations, Laundromats, bars, cafes and restaurants.
  • Lampposts and trees. Cover extra heavily the areas where you think your pet was lost, as well as busy commercial and pedestrian sections of your town.
  • Around schools, at kids’-eye level. Children can be more observant than adults, especially when it comes to animals.

Note, be sure to ask permission before posting your flyers!

Don’t Give Up!
This one’s important! And remember that many lost animals have found their way back home.

ID TAGS and MICRO-CHIPS are indispensable tools for bringing lost animals home again. It’s a good idea for all of your animal companions—even indoors-only pets—to always wear a collar with an ID tag. The ID tag should have your name and a current phone number. If you’ve chosen to microchip your pet as a means of permanent identification, keep in mind that microchips are only as good as the information provided to the chip’s company. If you’ve moved or changed your phone number since registering your pet’s chip and forgot to submit an update, please do so as soon as you can.

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